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The Turning of a Page

The Turning of a Page

As this year, this decade, comes to an end, I invite you to ponder with me what it means to close 2019. Personally, I love

As this year, this decade, comes to an end, I invite you to ponder with me what it means to close 2019. Personally, I love the notion of the “turning of the page”, a nice clean blank space waiting to be filled. I love the sense of power of starting over, that thrill that comes with new resolutions and the renewed sense of strength, possibility and intentions. It is refreshing to know that we have these opportunities to reignite old passions, try again at our failings, and find the courage to take on new risks.

But, I ask you this, do we really need to wait for the new year to make these dramatic changes? Do we need to ride out our inconsistencies until December 31st and only make the wanted changes on the first day of the new year? Consider how limiting this thought pattern is to us…for us. How detrimental is it to our growth and achievements if we fall into the trap of only starting fresh in the new year?

I invite you this time to yes, turn that page, and on January 1st 2020, make a commitment to yourself and to the goals you want to set. But more to the point, I ask you to commit to acknowledging that each day in 2020 be seen as a new opportunity to start over. Shun the idea that only once a year we can unfold into our new enlightened selves, but instead recognize and accept that every moment, every day is a clean space upon which to manifest our best selves.

For me, 2020 is a big year with the launching of my nutrition practice and the ability to further my interests and passions in the field of health and wellness. Along with my other commitments, and the raising of my three young daughters, I will be committing to finding balance, looking for a pause in my days, and pledging myself to some form of daily practice. As we all know, every day cannot be perfect or go according to our plans, but what we fail to consider is that every evening we can remind ourselves that tomorrow is a new opportunity with a fresh clean blank space.

How may you go about reminding yourself to keep in touch with this magnificent notion that we are given daily do-overs? Perhaps a few words in a journal, or a little breath work as you lay in bed? As I write this, I am reminded of a quote from Buddha:

“Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most”

I wish you all a wonderful 2020, filled with health, happiness and endless opportunities for the turning of the page in your life’s book.

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